Межрегиональная общественная организация ветеранов миротворческих миссий ООН
Russian Association of Veterans in UN Peacekeeping Missions

Delegates of the First Conference
Association Board:
N.Belik - President
M.Yermolaev - V.-president
S.Dolotov - Director
V.Tarusin - National Secretary
S.Lavrov - Head of Revision Commission
RAVUNPM was founded by a group of former UNMOs on July 29 1998 as a public organization aimed to promote UN peacekeeping principals in the Russian Federation and abroad and sharing valuable experience of its members with other national and international governmental agencies and NGOs. It was registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 29, 1998.
In 1998 representatives of the RAVUNPM took part in the following International events:
- The Annual Gathering of the Soldiers of Peace International Association in Lyon (France), where RAVUNPM became an associated member of the SPIA
- Aid&Trade 98 "How to do business with the United Nations" - International seminar - Conference New York (USA)
- The annual meeting of the LMM Campaign (Land Mines Monitor) Dublin (Ireland).
On August 22 1999 the second Annual Meeting of the RAVUNPM made the following changes to the Leadership.
N.Belick - nominal President
Serguei Lavrov - Vice-President with the whole range authorities granted to him due to the health conditions of the President
Serguei Ivanovskii - Head of the Revision Commission
Oleg Volgin - Board Member - Head of Branch in St.Peterburg
M.Yermolaev - Board member
V. Tarusin - National Secretary
- In May 99 RAVUNPM participated in the Wilton Park Russia-France-UK symposium on enhancing European security through partnership to be held in London.
- In Sep. 99 representatives of the RAVUNPM took part in the Annual Gathering of the SPIA Soldiers of Peace International Association.
On February 19, 2000 at the extraordinary meeting of the Association the following changes to the Leadership of the organization were made:
Serguei Lavrov was elected President
Victor Tarusin was elected Vice-president
Serguei Ivanovskiy was elected Board member
Pavel Yarikov was elected Head of the Revision Commission
Alexander Shaverdov was elected member of the Revision Commission
The meeting proved authorities of Oleg Volgin as a member of the Board, Head of Branch in St.Peterburg
- On 13 March 2000 our delegation headed by the Board Member Ivanovskiy Serguei participated in the work of the International meeting of World Veterans Federation to be held in Pula (Croatia)
- On 13-15 March 2000 our delegation headed by the President S.Lavrov participated in the Wilton Park Russia-France-UK annual symposium on enhancing European security through partnership in London.
- 26-28 May, 2000 in a camp "Bykovo" of Ministry for Emergency Situations of the RF in the suburbs of Moscow members of the Board took part in 3-days meeting of young volunteer peacemakers sponsored by Moscow government.
- Early June 2000 the first draft of the National Peacekeeping Concept was presented to the first Deputy of the General Staff of the RF Col.Gen. V.L. Manilov
- In July 2000 Association took part in the Russian-American seminar on Peacekeeping organized in Moscow by the Fund of Promotion of the Military Reforms
- 7 - 9 November 2000 Association established partnership with Youth movement promoting peacekeeping "Mirotvorets" and took part in the exhibition "Russian Shield" at VVC.
- 17 November 2000 members of the Association took part in working meeting in UNIC "UN and Business in Russia" attended by the Manager of Partnership Department of UNOPS Mrs. Sandrin Tesner.
24 February 2001 the annual meeting of the Association was held in Moscow.
- The meeting approved the report of the Revision Commission and the annual report of the President
- The meeting discussed and approved the main fields of activities for the coming year as follows:
- Promoting peacekeeping ideas and gaining social and political support for further involvement of Russia into UN Peacekeeping activities.
- Social support of veterans and their families through Charity Fund "Mirotvorets".
- Two steps educational system for "Professional Peacekeepers". Including development of "Peacekeeping dictionary" in partnership with the Youth Movement "Mirotvorets" and the Institute of Sustainable Development.
- Support and lobbing National humanitarian de-mining programs in partnership with UNIEXPL LTD.
- The meeting released Mr. S. Ivanovski from his duties of Board member.
- Mr. Yuri V.Barishpolets was elected as a Board Member.
- 17-19 January the President of the Association Sergei Lavrov took part in the fourth International Symposium on Europian Security and Peacekeeping in Wilton Park (London).