Главная » 2021 » Июнь » 23 » Девятая международная конференция в Москве и миротворчество
Девятая международная конференция в Москве и миротворчество

**Russian Federation

The Secretary-General this morning spoke by pre-recorded video message today to the Ninth Moscow Conference on International Security.

Mr. [António] Guterres noted that, as a founding Member of the United Nations and a permanent member of the Security Council, the Russian Federation has always been a champion of the work of our Organization and of multilateralism.

He stressed the important role of partnerships in addressing the full range of global peace and security challenges, from nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation to preventing the use of chemical and biological weapons; from cybersecurity to disinformation.

As we told you yesterday, the Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, is representing the Secretary-General physically in Moscow [at this conference].  While in Moscow, Mr. Lacroix will meet with senior Russian officials, and he will thank Russia for its support and contributions to peacekeeping.

https://mil.ru/mcis/index.htm  - Прямая трансляция конференции

В Министерстве обороны.
РФ и ООН обсудили эффективность миротворческих операций
 Анатолий Исаенко
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