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Новости ООН
Ежедневная стенограмма брифинга на сайте ООН представляет значительный интерес для тех, кто интересуется миротворческой
деятельностью ООН.
1) Разговор об ОНВУП.
Скоро будут результаты расследования.
Задачи ОНВУП не всем понятны.

Question:  Yeah, I also have a few questions.  The first one, so, a new Israeli law comes into effect this month that punishes johns or frequenters of prostitutes.  Is that being considered by the OIOS [Office of Internal Oversight Services] while it investigates speedily that event in… last week?  And also, where is that investigation…?

Spokesman:  The investigation is almost complete, and I was… I would hope to have an update that I will share with you later this afternoon, giving you the results of the preliminary administrative investigation, because that's what our role is.  As to whether or not there [were] criminal acts, that is something I'm not in a position to discuss at this point.

Question:  Related question:  UNTSO [United Nations Truce Supervision Organization] was established to oversee a ceasefire between countries that now have peace treaties.  Do you know what it still does?

Spokesman:  UNTSO also is there to support… is supporting also the work of the UN, from what I under… from what I recall, in the Golan and is following its stated mandate.

Question:  Yeah.  According to its website, it lends personnel to other peacekeeping missions.  Don't we have, those peacekeeping missions, their own mandates?  Why do they need UNTSO to lend personnel to them?

Spokesman:  I think the role of observers is an important one which they support the other missions with.

Question:  But they observe a ceasefire between countries that now have peace treaties?

Spokesman:  I think I've run out of words on our UNTSO subject.  Iftikhar, do you have a question?

2) Воруют не в первый раз ( " тоже берут").

**United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

По поддельным документам ЮНЕСКО воруют собственность.

And our friends at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris today said that it has received many reports that African cultural property is being illicitly trafficked using false UNESCO documents.  These false documents fraudulently bear UNESCO's name and logo, sometimes using fake business cards and usurping the names of officials of the Organization.  The majority of the victims of this fraud reside in France and the cumulative damage is estimated at more than €1 million.  UNESCO is considering legal action and calls on people who receive such offers to be vigilant and very careful.  More on UNESCO’s website.

3) На сайте ООН представлен план работы СБ ООН на июль 2020 года.  https://www.whatsinblue.org/

Другой вариант: https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/monthly_forecast/2020-07   July 2020 Monthly Forecast

В табличном варианте:https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/sites/www.un.org.securitycouncil/files/programme_of_work.pdf   Informal Provisional Programme of Work of the Security Council – July 2020

Следует обратить внимание на миротворческие темы плана.Особый интерес представляют те миссии, где находятся наши миротворцы.

4) Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН в Нью-Йорке находится на переднем крае миротворчества.

См. выступление нашего представителя: https://russiaun.ru/ru/news/eov_covid_010720 Заявление по мотивам голосования по проекту резолюции СБ ООН о борьбе с пандемией коронавируса

Вскоре будет опубликована резолюция по данному вопросу. Необходимо будет обратить внимание на миротворческую терминологию в условиях коронавируса.

Анатолий Исаенко

Ветеран миротворец с 1973 года



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