Главная » 2021 » Сентябрь » 16 » Последствия сексуального насилия
19:54 Последствия сексуального насилия | |
Репатриирован из миссии ООН миротворческий батальон из Габона
https://minusca.unmissions.org/en/press-release - от 15 сентября 2021 г.
Согласно полученной на сегодняшний день информации, Многопрофильная комплексная миссия Организации Объединенных Наций по стабилизации в Центральноафриканской Республике (МИНУСКА) была проинформирована об утверждениях о сексуальных надругательствах над пятью девочками с участием неустановленных членов габонского военного контингента, дислоцированного в центре страны…
Due to the serious nature of these latest reported allegations, the United Nations Secretariat took the decision to repatriate the entire Gabonese contingent of MINUSCA.
Ввиду серьезности этих последних заявлений Секретариат Организации Объединенных Наций принял решение репатриировать весь габонский контингент МИНУСКА.
https://news.rambler.ru/crime/47209976-oon-vyvedet-iz-tsar-450-gabonskih-mirotvortsev-posle-obvineniy-v-prestupleniyah/ ООН выведет из ЦАР 450 габонских миротворцев после обвинений в преступлениях
Вывод габонских военных происходит на фоне многочисленных заявлений о совершенных габонскими миротворцами преступлениях, сообщает ФАН. В частности, военных обвиняют в сексуальном насилии над местными жителями.
ООН отправляет габонских миротворцев домой из Центральноафриканской Республики после заявлений о злоупотреблениях
Уточнение последовало на брифинге: https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/db210915.doc.htm
Question: Thank you, Steph. Further, on the repatriation of the peacekeepers, can you give us some more details on exactly how many? Have they gone yet? Who’s going to replace them? And any more details on the allegations and the scope of the allegations?
Spokesman: Yeah. I mean, the Gabonese contingent is about 450 personnel, and it’s Gabon’s only peacekeeping deployment.
We are working with the host Government and, obviously, contingents that are already in country to pick up… to fill the void that will be left by the Gabonese in the immediate [term] and, of course, then to figure out who will replace them in the long term.
The decision taken by the Secretary-General comes after what we feel is a failure to respond effectively to a history of allegations of sexual exploitation in the Central African Republic by the Gabonese, which include a failure to conduct timely and effective investigations and to report on sanctions for substantiated allegations.
The history of these allegations go back to 2015… of misconduct, right, for… not on these particular allegations but the… going back to the misconduct of Gabon since 2015, with new allegations, we’ve received a total of 32 allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse concerning 81 alleged perpetrators from Gabon, all military contingent members deployed or formerly deployed in MINUSCA. Of these 32 allegations, six have been substantiated through an investigation, according to the information we’ve received to date.
The allegations vary, but they are all violations of the rules and policies in place… put in place by the UN.
Question: Just to clarify then, so there were new allegations…?
Spokesman: Yes, there were new allegations.
Question: And are those part of the six substantiated in total of 32?
Spokesman: No. So… no, the… since 2015, we have seen 32… since 2015, it’s 32 in total. I don’t have the exact numbers specific for this case, but I think what… it’s important to put this in context. There was a resolution passed in 2016 by the Security Council, which basically gave the Secretary-General the authority that, if there was evidence of credible, widespread and systemic sexual exploitation and abuse or failure to take action on these allegations or to hold perpetrators accountable, whole units could be replaced under the authority of the Secretary-General.
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