Главная » 2023 » Май » 25 » Празднование Международного дня миротворцев ООН
Празднование Международного дня миротворцев ООН
Для информации и ориентации.
1) Сегодня 25 мая в ООН отметят Международный день миротворцев.
UN Headquarters Observes International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers on 25 May

Schedule of Events at Headquarters on 25 May

09:40 a.m.: The Secretary-General will lay a wreath in honour of fallen peacekeepers at the Peacekeepers Memorial Site on the North Lawn. (If inclement weather, the ceremony will be held near the Chagall window in the Visitors’ Lobby). Only UN Photo and UN TV will cover the ceremony. It will not be webcast live, but will be available on demand soon after the event: https://media.un.org/

10:00 a.m.: The Dag Hammarskjöld Medal and Military Gender Advocate of the Year ceremonies will be held in the General Assembly Hall and shown live on UN Webcast:

12:00 p.m.: Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix will be the guest at the noon briefing. It will be webcast live at https://media.un.org/

2) О Ежегодном докладе СБ ООН: https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/whatsinblue/2023/05/adoption-of-the-annual-report-of-the-security-council-2.php

Update: Adoption of the Annual Report of the Security Council*

Next Tuesday (30 May), the Security Council is expected to adopt its annual report to the General Assembly, covering the period from 1 January to 31 December 2022. The adoption was initially scheduled for the afternoon of 24 May but was postponed to allow members more time to review the draft report.*

3) Подготовлен Доклад Правительства РФ по миротворчеству.

Доклад не публикуется. Нас в рассылке нет.

2 июня будет заседание Комитета  СФ по обороне и безопасности по миротворчеству.

Отчет о заседании Комитета будет представлен на сайте:  http://defence.council.gov.ru/

Подготовил Анатолий Исаенко
Ветеран-миротворец с 1973 года



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